+5 votes
in Miscellaneous ♑ by

I feel like the only one that is actually much more comfortable being nude.  As I expected when I asked whether anyone would be nude in public if it were legal, all answers (so far) have been "no".  Not one has said "yes" (yet).  Whether that changes or not is entirely up to whoever else answers that question.  I can't force anyone to say "yes" to that question, nor will I try to.

Being nude by itself is not a sexual thing, despite the popular "nudity=sex" thing that many people still believe in, which I never will believe as long as I live.  Aside from that, it seems many people also believe it's wrong to be nude outside of private places, thanks to society's...umm..."convincing" (SO wanted to say the other term that starts with "b" and has 12 letters).

People seem to have the wrong idea when it comes to nudity, either because of the "nudity=sex" belief or they feel it's wrong, as I already said above...or, a combination of both.  Now, as I said before, I can't force people to be comfortable with nudity if they are not.  However...they can't force me to believe nudity is sexual or wrong.  In closing, all that's left to say now are the four words I've said too many times to count online: "Nude is not lewd."

10 Answers

+4 votes

There are lots of places you can visit to experience the traditional nudist lifestyle.

Now is a good time to start planning your next family vacation.   ;*)


+3 votes

I could feel pretty comfortable being nude at certain places actually and if many people around me were nude. It´s just that I don´t want to be that since I have a boyfriend who would dislike other guys looking at my body and I know I wouldn´t like if he stared at other nude girls in public. And also anyone could take a photo or record like someone mentioned before.

+3 votes

Well, perhaps "nude is not lewd" applies to people who think as you do, but the plain fact is that there are a lot of characters out there for which that does NOT apply.  Heck, there are rude individuals who will remark on the fine "knockers" or "buns" of fully-clothed women passing by.  Would the situation be improved if the "knockers" or "buns" were fully exposed?  I think not.

And there are situations in crowded, standing-room-only subways or buses when individuals of this sort will inappropriately press against females in the crowd.  I can only imagine what would happen if everyone on the subway or bus were nude.

So, no, I don't agree with you.  There are certain parts of my anatomy that are only to be shared (visually or otherwise) with my significant other, just as there are things I would say to him, but no one else.

+4 votes

geez,.......I can't say, I guess I like wearing a belt.

+3 votes

As a slave, my master has a rule that I'm not allowed to wear clothes in the house.

Growing up, my parents, taught me to dress modest. And not show my body off, so now, Part of me finds this disgusting sexist and wrong, and I have feelings of shame and anxiety being forced to live this way. however my sadomasochistic side gets off on the feelings of shame and humiliation that I must endure..

So, no, I do not enjoy physically being naked , it goes against my upbringing. I do love the feelings that being forced to be naked in front of others gives me.. It's a huge rush...

+4 votes

1.  I don't want to see fat slobs naked.

2.  The only person that should see you naked is your wife/husband.

3.  And I don't care what you think of nudity.  It's wrong to go around naked in public.  PERIOD.


I will NEVER believe it's wrong, no matter what you or anyone else says.  Just as you don't care what I think of nudity, I don't care what other people think, either.

+4 votes

I'm almost 40 and realized clothes suck and nude is so much more comfortable about 15 years ago. 

I'm getting ready to move somewhere where nudity's at least not illegal, 

this [un]natural state is ridiculous about it.


Finally...someone with a good answer.  Thanks, Daevo77.

+3 votes

This may surprise you but more than 2 years ago, humanity realized that the elements effect them.

They also realized, "Hey, if I put this on I'm not so cold. If I put THIS one, then the sun doesn't burn my skin! I think we may be on to something!"

Nude, may not be lewd; but despite your best efforts, it IS one of the main pre-requisites to sex.

Also, just on a personal note, out of 10,000 nudists only 2 will be anything you'd want to see.

(And I really am not crazy about pubic hair in my food, whether dropped by the nudist preparing it or it having been carried by the wind. Sue me.)

+2 votes

I would never feel at ease being naked in public, all the more that temperatures are often not warm enough, that the sun can burn the skin, that many activities represent a risk for naked skin or require even protective clothing, etc., etc.

And rude behaviour, foul jokes, insults, wandering hands, etc. in crowded spaces, whether in the streets, in busses, trains, at events, in buildings and other sites, where most people wear decent clothing, are still too frequent.

On the other hand, why should I criticise those who feel comfortable with being nude?


Good to hear this.

+1 vote

Culture and beliefs.

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