3 Answers

+2 votes
I heard that Johnson and Johnson was told to pay $72 million in talcum powder cancer case by the court.

products that have long existed, now has a problem. if this is gossip?


Johnson & Johnson is not the only company that retails baby powder.  The law suit seem to have been won on the basis that the women used many different products over her life time and the jury bought a bogus story by blaming only one company for it.

Talcum powder is made from talc, a mineral made up mainly of the elements magnesium, silicon, and oxygen. As a powder, it absorbs moisture well and helps cut down on friction, making it useful for keeping skin dry and helping to prevent rashes. It is widely used in cosmetic products such as baby powder and adult body and facial powders, as well as in a number of other consumer products.

In its natural form, some talc contains asbestos, a substance known to cause cancers in and around the lungs when inhaled (see our document Asbestos). All talcum products used in homes in the United States have been asbestos-free since the 1970s.


+2 votes

Despite the $72-million verdict scientists say the evidence of real danger is inconclusive.


it was not possible, because it has long been used as a hereditary

+1 vote

Exactly how much powder does a person have to use to cause cancer?  Unless they're eating it, the whole thing seems unlikely to me.


yeah, .. I'm not sure all of it

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