+9 votes
in Arts & Humanities by
Most people have had something stolen, I had my car stolen but no breakins....

18 Answers

+8 votes
I have had a couple of things stolen, a beach bag from the beach in Hawaii, no big deal there was nothing too important in it.
I would love to have a beach bag stolen in Hawaii....lol ....then I would be there...
+7 votes
Once there was a burglary in my house when me and my family went away for a few days.
+10 votes
Someone broke into one of my work trucks and stole a router and a box of router bits. Not worth a whole lot of money but just inconvenient.
On a building site we were on, we came to work on the Monday morning and found all our tools had been stolen and as we could not work we went in the pub and got talking to a guy who was running the site along the road to us. His site had been broken into as well and we ended up getting a contract to do £30000 worth of work from him...every cloud.....
That was a good ending to a bad day.
I always kept very secure trailers at my job site for tool storage, never had a break in.
Very nice. :)
Hippy? Is nowhere safe from you? I hope your ex-wife's photograph hasn't followed you.
Didge, give me a chance and I'll post it..............just for you!!!
+10 votes
Had my house broken into many years ago and they stole some heirlooms but mainly had a lot of tools stolen over the years at my shop. Probably by employees but I'll never know. I can't stand thieves !
+9 votes
I was in the fourth grade and my huge piggy bank had broken. After years of saving every week, I had begged my parents to take me shopping. I had $44.38. I was standing in front of my house when these teenagers robbed me. It was so terrible, I cried for weeks.
That's terrible, some people are truely nasty....
Yes, they were. :(
awwwww :( stupid tennagers.
I know right? How could they pick on a little kid?
Only a swine would steal from the cutest Dragon Fly on the planet.
+7 votes
I had my bike stolen last year; I left it parked at a bike rack in the Miracle Mile and when I came back it was gone. I'm not sure if someone cut the lock or if I didn't lock it properly. I'll never know I guess.
+7 votes
Some friends had moved out of state shortly before their son graduated and I let them stay with me and have his open house here.  They brought a couple of people I didn't know with them and left them alone in my house while I was working...after they'd gone home, I discovered all of my jewelry was missing.

Someone took a 1-1/2 foot concrete Buddha off my porch one night, too.
It's terrible when people who are invited into your house, steal from you.....
+7 votes
recently.. someone stole my carry bag :( i forgot it outside on the table and someone (i know exactly who it was) came in the yard and took it. im never gunna see it again.

since my neighborhood  is more on the sketchier side..things get stolen very often..
+6 votes
+6 votes
I've had my house / apartment broken into several times. When I was married, my husband had one of his cousins over who stole my wedding ring and pawned it so she could buy drugs. I was pregnant at the time and the ring didn't fit my swollen finger, so I had just taken it off and put it on the counter. My husband forgot to run it upstairs to our bedroom.

When my son and I lived in a duplex, some kids kicked in the back door, rummaged through my son's things and took several pairs of sweat pants and shirts and a Polaroid camera. Needless to say, he was really upset about his clothes being stolen. Who in the world would take used sweat pants?

Just recently, my son listed his truck on Craigslist and the night before he was going to show the truck to a potential buyer, it was broken into. A broken phone was taken, the ignition was jacked, the glove box ransacked - but the CD player was left intact. Once my son relayed the problem to the potential buyer, he wanted to know when it would be ready for a test drive. Red flag went off right there. Funny how the ignition was jacked, as if it would be hot-wired, but a brand new CD player was left? Hmmmm.....
Unpleasant, Danae. :)
Yes. It does teach you that having things is just temporary. They can be stolen / burned up in a fire / eaten by your dog, etc., at any moment. Good to see you here, Didge!
And you. Looks as though a lot of old friends are coming together. :)
New Year's Eve Countdown
: :

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