+3 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

9 Answers

+3 votes
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No, not if the right person is pleasing me.  ;)

+4 votes
No, by

Generally, I'm not.

+4 votes
Yes, by

I'm an absolute Control Freak 

I want things done my way because my way dots all the i's and crosses all the t's 

I'm a Virgo and we can be impossible to please at times.



@ Ser:   But when it's right, it's REALLY right, I'm sure you'll agree.  ;)



@ TINK    hahaha    I think you need Cooling off babe 

I have been knowing to be hard to please in that arena but I also make a Fabulous Mentor image


@ Ser:  A fine mentor is the path to perfection.  ;)

I see you haven't changed to much, my wild and frisky friend, just stopped by to say Hi, hope your doing well.
+3 votes
I can be quite particular about particular things, yes. Does it sometimes annoy others? Yes.
+3 votes
Yes, by

Actually yes and no, it depends on the circumstances, the domains, the environment, temperatures, the means and real needs, and the required performances, tasks, difficulties and available capacities.

In such a case, if I was a "transporter", I would be hard to please - lol.


+2 votes

Absolutely not, just do what I ask you to do when I ask you to do it.

+2 votes
Yes, by

You'd better believe it.

+3 votes
No, by

I'm not very materialistic . All it takes to please me, is know how to dominate and manipulate my emotions 

+1 vote
Yes, by

I like what I like and want it done right.

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