+3 votes
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I always love the taste of water

Only when I'm thirsty

7 Answers

+3 votes
Only when I'm thirsty, by
Taste of water is also needed for me.

I agree. Water only tasted good when you're thirsty

+2 votes
Yes, by
Water is necessary in our lives and the thirst for water beats all.
+2 votes
Yes, by

Yes, of course, especially when I am thirsty ...

+3 votes
Yes, by

As long as it's filtered, some water in cities near oceans like Houston or Corpus Christi have a foul taste to them...yuck

+1 vote
Yes, by

Yeah most of the time.

+1 vote
Yes, by

I would say yes but it depends on where it is from.  At my house it tastes weird but we get it from a spring.

Some people's have too much iron in the water or this or that, some other kind of impurities.

If you want pure H2O go to a nuclear plant.  They use pure H2O in the rods,  probably the only pure H2O you can find as even if it rains,  the drops pull things from the air.  In the plants they call the pure stuff "Holy water".

+1 vote

Mineral water, sure. Tap water, or just plain filtered water is anywhere from neutral to yuck.

Minerals make water 'alkaline', and give it 'flavor'. The cheapest, most readily available truly alkaline water in a bottle (in the U.S.) is Zephyrhills (it is as alkaline as Fiji, but cheaper). It doesn't just wash away electrolytes, it hydrates and replaces them. :) 

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