+1 vote

7 Answers

+5 votes


Point and say "Hey look, it's batman."

As everyone looks, switch apple with orange.

Tada!!!!!!!!  A apple magically turned into a orange.


I have tried the same trick with a three-headed monkey. Unfortunately, every single time, one of them have actually magically appeared. And they have the nasty tendency to switch the oranges back to the silly apples. Maybe I need to think outside-of-the-box and use other tasties instead, such as a banana split, Ebola and a power drill.


Maybe so

+4 votes

I can't but I'm sure there are some magicians who can, especially David Blaine.


I'm quite old-fashioned, when it comes to modern magic. Yes, it's a paradox. However, I think the old farts - Penn & Teller - are still pretty much in the top quarter.

+4 votes

+4 votes

               I would just use Photoshop...



I once used Photoshop to create a monster. The very next morning, that same monster stared back at me in the mirror. I guess Adobe Booze is the next logical step.

+2 votes

Getting closer



Oh, that's just zonkey food.

We are given those in Norway every single day, as well as eletric shock therapy and raw oil baths. Hrrrrrrh.



Wow, nice job! :)<3 

I'll have to try photoshopping - lol.

+2 votes

I would rather think of the grafting of fruit trees to bear different kinds of fruits; this artist and professor has, for instance, been experiencing the growing of trees with different kinds of fruits (in this case stone fruits):

But you'll have to ask him if apple and orange branches can be grown on a same tree.


I actually once went to Switzerland, but got so scared of the crazy trees, I had to turn back immediately.


Lol - I am wondering what kind of crazy "trees" you are referring to.


They were a rare breed of Austrian assassinators with flame throwers.



Well, are you referring to Arnie's "Terminator" or to Bruno Ganz's role in Downfall?

But remember, we are not in Austria - lol.


That is interesting. Now I wonder if my apple tree will grow durians.

Or do I need to use photoshop again? :cheerful:


Well, the only available durian tree seeds or seedlings belong to the species Durio zibethinus:


and the family is that of the Malvacaea:


Now, the apple - like the pear, plum, abricot, peach, etc. - belongs to the Rosaceae:


It would be a tremendous success, if fruits from different plant families could be grown on the same tree (oranges, lemons, etc. belong to the Rutaceae) - but who knows?


Haha, yes, I am aware of it.

Marko has this crazy sense of humor that I try to play into when I'm on his posts.

I wouldn't want durians on my apple tree even if I had one, and it was possible:D

Maybe in photoshop, since that's less smelly


Lol - yes, I know, on my side, I wouldn't want to grow durians (I prefer lemons, apples, etc.).

Yes, I think that photoshopping would be nicer.

And Marko has indeed a weird sense of humour - lol.


Yes, I agree. Our winters limits our options when it comes to fruit, but we grow different apples, plums, pears..

Certainly not lemons, but they are demanding.

But I know a woman who have made wine from grapes from her own garden, and she has also grown kiwi!

Maybe she used magic :D



Wow, indeed, but you have the gulf stream.

And here, kiwi orchards or gardens exist since a certain time. As for the vineyards, the Lavaux Vineyard Teraces are a UNESCO world heritage site: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavaux

But we are also more into apples, pears, plums, cherries, peaches and apricots.


Yes, as long as we have the Gulf Stream. I have read that it has weakened a lot over the last 15 years, because of the amounts of fresh melting water from Greenland..

I know that you are producing vine, since I have tasted it once:D

Thank you for the link



You're welcome - and I hope that the Gulf Stream will not stop.



No, it will not happen overnight. And it will probably not stop completely. But we know that climate change effects the large ocean streams, and have caused changes in the past.




Yes, of course, we heard about the "lessening" of the Gulf Stream and also about the drop of oxygen production by the oceans.


And the speed of it all.

It's depressing, and it should worry us more:(


Yes, it should indeed.

+2 votes

Yes! Magic/science is easy!


1. Buy some Gala apples and some limes.

2. Dice up an apple and sprinkle/pour lime juice all over it.

3. Eat.

Tastes exactly like an orange!


Does that work with apple wine as well? A friend of mine does certain chemical experiments and so far his apple wine is the best tasting near-death-experience I've had. But I just wish it had more orange to it, like one hundred percent.


I just don't know, because I don't drink alcohol, and I've never even tasted apple wine. (what a shame...) I have noticed what seems to matter is that it's a Gala apple along with the lime. No other type of apple I've tried gave the same results.

Why don't you ask your apple wine-making friend to brew up a batch made from Gala apples, then add a spritz of lime to a nice glassful (maybe even garnish with a little lime peel or wedge... pinky finger extended, of course) and then test it out? I bet it would work. Might even come out tasting similar to a screwdriver, depending on alcohol content.

If you try it and survive it, please do report your results. I'm quite curious, and I do believe what we're doing here constitutes hardcore scientific data. 


I get turned "on", whenever someone uses the term "scientific data."



There's no need to be sorry. Some of us crave big data.



Actually, since Data had sex with the security officer... I'd think The Next Generation turned out to be all full of joy. Except for her dying. Must have seen like a logical next step for Crosby, but I doubt she likes it today.

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