+1 vote

7 Answers

+2 votes

I have no idea, I don't keep up with it.

+1 vote

Prolly so, but the math is largely irrelevant.  If the GOP old guard wanna nominate him, they will.

+1 vote

Depends on whether it's true or not

0 votes

From where his delegate allegiance stands right now, it sure seems mathematically impossible.

0 votes

Of course it's not mathematically impossible, as anyone who can add and subtract can easily see.

Cruz needs to win 678 out of the 733 remaining to be chosen, assuming no deal is made for the Rubio or Kasich delegates, fewer if a deal is made.  Not mathematically impossible, just highly unlikely.


+1 vote

Impossible. Trump is the man.

0 votes

Many of you , may not know it, but there a write in campaign for Cruz, being that i  support Ted Cruz , no matter happen,  i will not be told , bye any one again, that if the party pick it , you most vote for him or her, i did that in 2012 , with Romney and will not do that again, Dump The TRUMP HILLARY AND Sanders, write in Cruz

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