+2 votes

3 Answers

+1 vote

It's neither.

It's too little, too late to have any significant effect.

It won't get Cruz nominated (and therefore not a success), nor will it destroy his chances (and therefore not a train wreck).

+1 vote

In my opinion, it's another "McCain/Palin" fiasco.


Cruz won't get as far as McCain; he won't get nominated.

And even if he did, Fiorina is a heck of a lot smarter than Palin, so I think you're wrong on both counts.


In re: McCain/Palin fiasco, that is yet to come. :-)  Just wait till Trump melts down AFTER getting the nom.


@ TQ:  That's just what the Democrats are expecting, in wishing Trump to be the nominee.

But if Hillary melts down worse, they may regret what they wished for.

+2 votes

It's a completely pointless desperation play on the part of Crooked Cruz.

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