Really can't trust what the Enquirer says
Given that half the time when i see that magazine in grocery stores they have something ridiculous on the front, I'm gonna say no
Why would anyone care, except maybe National Enquirer readers?
Maybe they think Prince was one of Liberace's boy toys in his youth. mean he wasn't? :-)
Well, I'm not sure... the Enquirer DOES get it right sometimes.
I can't wait for the next issue.
Oh, DRAT! MC took the last copy!
The National Enquirer believes Elvis is still alive and living aboard a UFO with Jimmy Hoffa and the Kennedy brothers.
Take that as a no. :-)
No. If... they got it right, it's by a stab in the dark.
Prince was a mystery, and to an extent, he will remain one.
I wouldn't believe that rag if they said the sky was blue and water was wet. Those people write more fiction than JK Rowling or Stephen King.
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