0 votes
in Politics & Government ✌ by

Has America's political system inoculated itself against all attempts at reform/repair by the electorate (voters)?

Yes. Unquestionably! 4 votes, 80%
Certainly not! 0 votes
It's time to evoke Paragraph 4 of the Declaration of Independence! 1 vote, 20%

3 Answers

+1 vote
Yes. Unquestionably!, by
Best answer

I think history has shown that there are measures in place to keep the control with the elite and out of the hands of the masses..

When this country was first founded, only land owners could vote. As more people got land, you had to be able to read and write. Only males, and only whites. As the masses overcame these hurdles, procedural hurdles were put in place.


Excellent post!

Agreed 100 percent!

+1 vote
Yes. Unquestionably!, by

There is no way of breaking away from the two Party system in America.  


...Which means, in essence, that there really is only ONE political party in America.

+1 vote
Yes. Unquestionably!, by

Yes, but even the worst of tyrannies are overthrown from time to time (maybe about once a century). One has to be careful, however, that what replaces them are not as bad or worse, as for example in Russia and China.

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