+1 vote

5 Answers

0 votes

Leave the law abiding citizens at home and let the murderers do the murdering for the military.

0 votes

My, my, Cowboy, that's quite a picture you posted above.

I had no idea you were so anti-Israel.

Oh, wait, on second thought, it's not so surprising; being anti-Israel is the party line among many deranged liberals (aka progressives) these days.

0 votes


0 votes
Hell NO! ... murders don't follow rules or orders... so putting them in a trusted position to follow rules and orders makes no sense.

Of course, if they're the "suicide squad" (comic / movie) then it's completely different story!

+1 vote

Obviously you've never had any military experience or combat experience as this is about a lame question. First off, no branch of the military would have anything to do with a murderer nor would that person even be allowed into the service. In combat, it's kill or be killed. We sure never asked to be shot at or maimed from an IED. Never seen such a stupid question before. Without the military, where would you be now ? Nazi Germany or Communist Russia? Or perhaps you think it's OK for terrorists to just kill innocent people ? War is hell but the alternative is even worse.


It is indeed a stupid question.

And I notice that this site is now stupidly censoring out  N a z i  as well as  h e l l.  Do they think we'll go blind if we read these words?

Hmm... they didn't censor Communist, however.


I see quite a bit of censoring here. Think I might just check out the site my Dad works for as this one is way too leftist for me.


I don't blame you.

Your Dad left this one months ago, and I don't blame him either.

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