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Help! My granddaughter is such a spoilt child. She is sticky all the time and had her eyes stuck to the computer screen all day and night. She always beg for things, never do chores I told her to do and her questions never seemed to stop. To make matters worse, she was only turning six this summer. Needless to say, I dread to think what she would grow up to be. I miss my days. I was a kid in the 50s and a teenager in the 60s, and children those days were very different from kids today. Please help!

2 Answers

0 votes

Why is this your role to care for the child?  Where are her parents, your own children?

Honestly,  I don't see why it's your business.  You should at least be thankful you can see your grandkids.  She's only 6 you can't expect too much.  Sure,  maybe there might be too much screen-time but it's not enough to call CPS over.  Who provides the screen?  Take it up with them.  Have you offered any alternatives?


I live at Chippenham, Wiltshire and she and her parents lives in Shrewsbury, a 3 hour drive from where I live. I do visit her occasionally.

0 votes

It seems like Kids today are so hung up on electronics that they don't know how to go out and play or respect their elders. Do your best to try and pry her away from the screens and participate in life while she is so young. Something you might talk to her Mother about. I'm sure you can work it out. It is your business to care for your grandchild. Try calling and talking to her Mother and her and see if you can find some outside interests for her. I believe that you can do it.

Yes. Isn't it weird to why kids today were so addicted to electronics? Do you remember the days when you used to be a kid? Back in my days, there were no social medias and children who wanted to communicate with their friends would call from the house or to speak directly to them.

I have two step-daughters that are usually buried in their phones but we make it a rule to have some family time and movies and such where we don't let them take them. It was hard at first but the girls got used to it and now enjoy the "off" time. Some of that stuff was just coming out before I went in the Marines but saw how it progressed over the years. No more street baseball games or water balloon fights. Shame what they miss.


Yes. It was better to be a kid back then. As I was a kid in the late 50s, things were so simpler back then. We would have so much fun outdoors in those days, and yes, no electronics but I remembered we have a radio which was shared by the entire household. 


Since I've retired from the service, I see all the changes. No one is out riding bikes and playing with the hose and such. Although we live out in the country, we still try to have family fun. Hard adjusting to civilian life again.

I was born and raised in the British countryside, and it was so surprising that even kids today in the countryside were addicted to their phone screens. They couldn't live no long without their smartphones, and only about 15 years ago, people were still socializing and social medias were not the things. Also, it's so annoying that they always begged for the latest model of phones. Do you miss the days?

Yes I do ! The only thing my parents had was an old Atari game console. But when I was deployed, I saw all the upgrades to communications and watched many a soldier on Facebook. I never had time for any of that.


Yes. Social medias like Facebook were too confusing for me, considering my old age. I'm turning 65 this autumn and I'm rather stunned to see how young people in the developing world seemed to know the vines of social medias and the internet well. I don't even got my first computer until my 35th birthday in 1986.

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