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3 Answers

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Paul Ryan is right.

+1 vote

11 years later and that really makes a difference ? Ryan has been known to pop off with his mouth also ! Wonder why he endorses Trump now. Besides, he came right out and made a formal apology. Something you'll never see Hillary do !

+1 vote

And what did the Democrats say when Monica's semen-stained dress turned up?  "Oh, it's just all about sex, no big deal."


At least Trump made an apology whereas Hillary would have just lied ! 


Indeed Hillary and the Democrats did lie.  She said Monica was a "narcissistic loony toon", the Democrats insisted for the better part of a year that there was no semen-stained dress,

And now, after excusing Bill's lying under oath as being 'all about sex', they affect shock and consternation over Trump.  Hypocrites.  It's all about power.  Democrat motto: When one of OURS does it it's no big deal, but when one of THEIRS does it, it's shocking and reprehensible.

New Year's Eve Countdown
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