+3 votes
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DST is short for Daylight Saving Time while ST is short for Standard Time.  As you know, there are twelve months in a year.  Daylight Saving Time runs from about mid March to early November while Standard Time takes up the remaining time slot.  So, let's see now...

DST - mid March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and early November

ST - early November, December, January, February, and mid March

Daylight Saving Time takes up roughly two-thirds of the entire year while leaving only about a third of the year for Standard Time.

What's wrong with splitting the two times evenly and giving each time six months?  While I favor Standard Time over Daylight Saving Time, I would accept six months of each time.  And, since we're supposed to "Spring Ahead" in Spring and "Fall Behind" in Fall, the best way to split them evenly would be to have them either like this:

DST - late March to late September

ST - late September to late March

Or, like this:

DST - early April to early October

ST - early October to early April

Having it the current way makes no sense to me...and, maybe it's just me, but that's the way I feel about this.  If you're going to try to convince me to accept the times as they are now, you will be wasting your time because nothing you say will change my mind.  I will NEVER accept the times as they are...not as long as I live.  That's it, case closed.

5 Answers

+1 vote

I really have no strong opinion about it one way or the other, except that I kinda like still having daylight when I leave work at 5 pm. 

+3 votes

I am neither very happy about the DST, and the changes increase health risks, failures and accidents during transition times:


+1 vote

Hello, David - could you see the answers?


+1 vote

It doesn't make much sense to me, either. Where I live, time zones don't change, but still. Why did it have to get changed? As the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

+1 vote

In the UK we alter the clocks at six monthly intervals.This weekend we go back to GMT and the NFL starts an hour earlier for one week only…

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