+2 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

Laughing at the Wrong Time


Little Johnny comes downstairs crying.

His mother asked, "What’s the matter now?"


"Dad was hanging pictures, and just hit his thumb with hammer," said little Johnny through his tears.


"That’s not so serious," soothed his mother. "I know you are upset, but a big boy like you shouldn’t cry at something like that. Why didn’t you just laugh?"


"I did!" sobbed Johnny.



Forbidden nowadays !!!!!!!!!!


Link: http://unijokes.com/little-johnny-jokes/7/

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Tell Johnny's father to hold the nail with needle-nose pliers if he hits his thumb a lot. :)


Lol - that is indeed an idea.

A simple nail holder would do too - lol. :D


+2 votes

I understand the joke, but having been in little Johnny's place too often, don't find it amusing.


I can understand that. Our generation had also similar experiences, as education was very strict.

But already Socrates had a bad opinion of the youth:

“The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”

By the way, my thumbs were also accidentally injured several times.

Once like that:


@ Marianne:

OMG, how awful!  :O

I hope there was no permanent damage!


No, on one thumb a scar is left (a cut from an accident) and the other was broken and took 6 weeks plaster to heal. And none of them was a "hammer and nail" accident - lol.

And I had several times a plaster - each was soon decorated and signed by some of my friends - lol.



I lived

+3 votes

I've been in little Johnie's place before too but I still liked your little story.  :D


Lol - I remember very well how it was in our times - and things seem not to have evolved much, in spite of better knowledge in educational matters. The gap between generations is still the same as in ancient times.


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