+2 votes
in Arts & Humanities by


3 Answers

+4 votes

I don't think there is only one way to tell a person he / she is annoying. I have found most folks can "take a hint" and back off. It's that small number of persistent fools who "can't or won't" take a hint and go out of their way to purposely annoy you or go the extra step and harass you.  Depending on their age, their maturity level, and their level of annoyance  I would either tell them to flake off or I would take them behind the shed.


You're right, of course. It's only a few people who are like that. I know a man who likes to "help" his neighbours whether they want help or not. Then he tells his other neighbours what idiots they are for not being able to do it themselves. I'm surprised they haven't all woken up to him. 

+2 votes

That depends on the person; in many cases, it helps to propose kindly another activity or subject, to ask for a favour, to say if you are tired, if something hurts, or if you need help or not, or some privacy, etc.

Here's an example of what you shouldn't do in case of an annoying neighbour:

(Why didn't Mr. Bean just leave silently this train compartment and look for a seat in another compartment?)

:) :D 


I think if I was left ANYWHERE with Mr Bean I'd probably resort to violence. :)



I can understand you very well - lol! :D

Watching things from a certain - or better safe distance is much better.

+3 votes

Well, there is another way without saying a word and I bet they don't bother you again.



That's very close to terminating the relationship with extreme prejudice. :)

It's early here. I'm gonna try to get some more sleep. Catch you later. 


Take care Didge !  :D


Flatulence is the mother of invention.

But isn't that considered rude in most places?  :angel:


None that I know of !  :D :D


@ Rooster:

We must hang out at different places!  :O :D


Ya think?  :D



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