+3 votes
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Do you know Martial Arts? If not learn from Martial Arts and other fights from these video :D

6 Answers

+5 votes

I do not know.

+4 votes

I've been practicing Japanese Jiu Jitsu for over 40 years. It's also a state of mind.


Still practicing that stuff old man? :D

+4 votes

Not really.  I took a self-defense course once. (Mostly knees to the groin and chops to the throat.)

Never had to use it.  An ounce of prevention... :)

+4 votes

I know some that I learned in the Marine Corps but that's it. It's enough.

+1 vote

Just a little bit of self defense, and having watched with friends some martial arts movies, of course. I think that the funniest is Jacky Chan (no need to say that Bruce Lee was outstanding, of course), and I did not mention the Kurosawa's famous "works", like the "Seven Samourais", "Kagemusha", etc. 

And I have also read a lot about them and the different disciplines - well, after all, I was and still am a bookworm - lol.


Oh, I forgot. I did have a brief career in MMA.  You can recognize me as the one with the Tinkerbell hairdo. :P

+2 votes


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