+3 votes
in Miscellaneous ♑ by
Meh you don't have to respond. .Unless you do 

7 Answers

+2 votes

I don't know surfcrab..yes you do ...nope. ..yup ..nope ..yup ..Infiniti 


You're still my kind of Crazy :D


So how you been there you crazy chick


By the way cupcake I cannot respond to you on the wall since yours is blocked. I'm going to build a wall around me and Mexico's going to pay for it


lolz  I had to disable my wall but I think I'm safe to open it now 

OMG  soooo long since I've been called Cupcake 

I've been called far worse since they made me a mod and then a Super mod on my other site :P

still crazy as ever and they have me at the controls. (go figure) :D 


If cupcake is too nice i can butch it up a little lol


lolz  No more Serenity Guru of Love 

I've gone to the Darkside :P

+4 votes

I do not know. I did not use SodaHead.


Yeah it was basically an exact duplicate of this site but way more action and interaction between users. I'm not sure if this site is still building up or on its way down. But I do know if you posted a question on sodahead you were more likely to get 30 responses within 2 days

+5 votes

There was quite a few and some still stop by now and then. This site was booming a year ago and some of us are still loyal to it.




hey Rooster ,you still on Blurtit ? 


Hey Serenity! No, I don't have anything to do with blurtit anymore. Angela and I both quit because of lousy management and an owner that doesn't care about his site or the people. He got mad at me and disabled my account. I couldn't be happier now being away from that stuff.


Oh I'm sorry about that Rooster because I know how much you Loved that site and how much the members respected you for looking out for them on there.

His loss , he'll be hard pressed to find someone as dedicated to his members or his site. 


Ha! The site is a mess with all the spam and trolls now! Oh well, he could have dealt with me but instead he just disabled me. I've been happy as pie since. No more having to listen to whiners and crybabies complaining about others all the time. I'm actually very happy now,

What are you up to now? Still on Amirite?


Still on A mirite , James made me a mod and then after 6 months he made me a Super mod 

so I'm at the controls now. 

that's a shame because Blurtit had it's faults but a friendly community atmosphere certainly wasn't one of them and from what I've seen many have followed you over here. 

you get to do your own thing now :) just muck about with ya mates and your Son 

who is quite a character. lolz 


Yes he is. Quite a mouth too! :D


lolz  So I noticed .........Hitman suits him .........hits them right between the eyes.

I take it he's not on answermug .........they don't appreciate swearing out in forum or a fucking sense of humour  lolz :P

+4 votes

I was on SH, and you might remember me - lol.


Your name definitely strikes about will be Friend or Foe hopefully friend I don't have any of them on any of these forms


I was no "foe", but you might not remember me - lol. 


I definitely think I do remember it doesn't seem as though there's many replies like on sodahead. It seems like it's going to be difficult to try to get a feel for other people's personalities here but nice a friendly face from soda again

That was supposed to be I definitely do remember you now it's hard for me to talk text while I'm driving at 80 miles an hour on the Long Island Expressway just kidding my Brooklyn accent and talk text make bad bedfellows


Lol - thank you. There have been quite a few kind friends around who gave the good example, but to find them, you have to go to different sites.

And don't worry about "talk-texting", phoning or discussing with a passenger, focus on driving and keep safe, even if you are very busy, a pedestrian crossing a street or using a sledge:



Haha too cute that's probably how Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer


Lol - I couldn't resist!



Lol .


Do you remember the acronyms?


I do ..I think i would pop in every now and then...I think the game made me think that i had to think about too much thinking.. : )    " ah the memories of a gloriously misspent youth "   


Yes, I remember you from there - lol.

And I don't think that you "gloriously misspent" your youth there ...



Lol ! 




Where is Suyanto , it' been so long since I've seen him :( is he around M ?



Suyanto is here, but he comes very rarely.

I'll have to remind him to come here more often.



@ M  ..........he came and found me , it's been so long :) thanks babe 

+3 votes

Yes, I was a SH member. Until they pulled the plug, that is. :wassat:



 I definitely remember you. Cuz everytime I see Tinkerbell it reminds me how I had a crush on that thing before the wonderful world of Disney would start 

+4 votes

I was on sodahead but I used my real pic instead of an avatar which im using on here...What did they shut us down for? Did they get scared that we were growing in numbers? Thats the impression I got considering the COURTEOUS thing to do for your appreciated loyal members would be to give advanced notice of the site transitioning but that was not done. What did the site transition to? What are they accomplishing now? (besides sucking balls)


In April of 2015, SodaHead peaked at a global Alexa rank of about 7,500.

Now it's down to about 270,000.

Serves them right. :)



hahaha   Karma is a Bitch indeed Tink :P


They probably got sick of all my frog smacking replies rugs


 so now you're so famous we can't see your real face anymore it's going to be hard to figure out unless you had the same name attached above otherwise yes I don't know who you are haha

+2 votes

here , just popped in , can't believe I've found you here Crabby (can't believe I'm still a mod on here

is there no New mods on here ?)

thought we'd lost you for good , damn! it's been too long my friend , I've missed your Crazy posts about Frogs and Grandma's  lolz 

missed you ............Serenity 

you know where to find me 


Take THAT, SodaHead, for shutting down without notice!



hey Tink , I know babe , Fef is an ass hole :(


I think he laughed all the way to the bank.  :angry:

Oh my God cupcake how the hell have you been. I think Soda head was shut down abruptly because Hillary was just using it as a way of gathering information.. she wanted to see what I was up to before the election and was probably going to have me killed. But Trump promised to protect me and shut down her entire Empire.. congratulations on brexit and thanks for giving us Milo he's one of my new Heroes

Too bad they werent  peeing instead of using them magic wands would have been more appropriate


hahaha  Oh it's good to see you're still as crazy as ever Crabby 


@ Surfcrab:

That could have been arranged, but this is a family-oriented website. No indecency allowed. :angel: :D



There are so many things wrong with that cupcake..I Now understand the reason for safe spaces me and my frog are going to retreat to ours now for a few hours


hahaha    I searched pissing funny gif and found that :P  I Love his little pose.

I'm just here to lower the tone ;) and raise a Smile. 



How about this cutie?




Lol - excellent! Are you referring to this young fellow?

Sometimes, he is on duty in the frog pond:



@ M  hahaha    oh I Love that 

@ Marianne:

Shocking!  I'm going to report the Manneken scuba diver for polluting the pond! :O



Lol - your "gif" is inspiring - :O:angel::D:D ...



Yes, indeed; there are two "sources" to be analysed and assessed: the diving materials and the released liquid substances and their impact on the environment; and, depending on the results, adapted or substituted by ecologically compatible matters.

:blush: :angel: :D :D


@ Marianne:

I hope no frog/human hybrids result from his pollution:O :blush: :angel: :D


@ M  it cracked me up :P


Err - wait a minute are you suspecting what I am suspecting?

What do we know about Kermit's real origins? (unless you prefer mythology or "frog people").


Lol, of course Where do you suppose all those tales of talking frogs came from?

And all because that Manneken kid was so naughty!  :O :blush: :O

The Schneider must have overlooked him.  :D




Oh, that was indeed dramatic.

There's also another, rather tragic story:




Tragisch war's, fuer diese Enten,
Ihre Leben so zu enden.   :'(


Lol - a little correction for the rhyme (there's only a very limited choice):

... denn für sie gab's keine Renten.



Lol, Busch sometimes took much greater liberties with his rhymes (and meter too, for that matter).  :D

"Die Enten haben sich besunnen
Und suchen den Frosch im Brunnen."

"Da kommt der Koch herbei sogleich
Und lacht: "Hehe, jetzt hab' ich euch!" "

But I like your line.  :D :D


Lol - yes, the great poets took greater liberties - the humble students, learners and amateurs couldn't ...


That reminds me of some jokes with "I like your idea ...." - lol.



Lol, sometimes the liberties were for humorous effect, but I suspect that sometimes he was in a hurry (publisher's deadline?), and couldn't think of anything better at the moment. 

Even great poets are only human too.  :D


Lol - of course, and they had no computers with so much easy information in these times. And writing, drawing, displaying, revising, correcting, printing and manufacturing the books took much time, and the paper was expensive.

Yes, writing textes and verses today takes much less time, provided that the writer is inspired and that the computer and/or the connections function correctly - lol.


New Year's Eve Countdown
: :

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