+8 votes
in Society & Culture by
"Wait"? LOL, you're funny.

16 Answers

+7 votes
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When I had my video shops everyone wanted films as they came out, so I rented out pirate copies

Now I watch films on my iPad as they come out....
+8 votes
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i don't really care for movies, game consoles, and new gadgets etc.
+7 votes
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But in terms of movies why should I wait?
That's how it's always been, I think they want people to watch them at then cinema, before releasing them.....but there have always been ways around it...
I'd actually much rather watch movies in a movie theater than on television or at my computer. It's geniuenly more fun
+6 votes
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I hate watching TV shows and films when they are the HYPE 

only just watching Game of Thrones   

and it is well worth the wait  

Sex , Violence more Sex , Corruption , Black mail , Dragons , Witches and a Horny Imp   lolz 

Also only just watched American Horror Story but now I'm up to date  and have to wait , just like the Norms   lolz 

I don't buy myself Game Consoles  they are far too addictive to me , I'll have the ones they no longer play , if I play at all.

+8 votes
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I always wait for movies, I'd rather watch them in the comfort of my house. Besides, I don't like going to the movies by myself.
+4 votes
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I have no problem.
+7 votes
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I have no problem waiting for a movie to come out!!
+7 votes
Yup I've got more patience than an ER on a Saturday night.
+7 votes
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I feel like I have been waiting for most of my life......
+5 votes
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One of my best virtues is patience...

I always wait until the time is right.


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