+4 votes
in Miscellaneous ♑ by

If you look at Answermug, A m irite and some others, there are hardly any members anymore.

Are they dying out or is it censorship that's killing them?

11 Answers

+3 votes

I think SodaHead killed them.

+3 votes

Naw, Marianne..I deleted it 'cause I thought what's the point? I had said I didn't think it was so much censorship as people get sick of crudeness and profanity. They choose to stay away instead of fight it. 



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That is o.k., Ladyhorse, thank you for your explanation.

And here, your opinion makes sense.


+3 votes

Maybe that too many are on several sites and lack time - or they don't have the patience to wait for answers.

There are further too many addicting on-line games and fashion trends, which seem much more interesting than communicating with friends, all the more if looking at the gloomy, highly controversial and artificial political, economic, social, "cultural" and spiritual climates.

+3 votes

Quora has overtaken Yahoo Answers

+4 votes
Am irite is fairly active on a regular basis and far more active compared to some sites I've looked back on recently that are sadly Virtual Cyber Graveyards.:'(  Some of them are My friends own sites.

lolz still have my mod privileges on here and sometime's......... Less is More :) so I edited.

Neither myself or the other moderators on Am irite like or advocate heavy censorship 

we are Proponent's of Free Speech 

(not my words but the words of members)  :)


Just seems awful quiet there sometimes. But I do like it!

+4 votes

I still like Sodahead more.

+4 votes
I can see the closed site AnswerBag has started functioning again.

I took a look at it and stayed maybe two days. Not a very well laid out site.

+3 votes

People are not interested in Q&A websites. They like the social networks like Facebook.


I'm sure not interested in those and don't have a lot of use for Q&A sites much anymore. You keep your Facebook.


I don't use Facebook. I deleted my account.

+4 votes

Hi Rooster,

I have not looked at too many Q/A sites, but very interested in them, in their potential for a kind of global connection...

And maybe the censorship is often selective, biased; it does appear that good moderation is a real challenge. I am wondering if maybe AnswerMug will really open up its TOS now for anything goes, in an attempt to attract more users...it will be interesting to see how that works for them.

* * *

I see you can link questions here on Solve, and I may post one asking why people think this site is not used more, linking to yours.


Actually Virginia? It's even worse there now. They delete some things but leave all the homosexual innuendos stay right there. JA made a big long boring blog defending her Mods and what a wonderful job they do. Personally? I think they are the two worst Mods I've ever seen. Many people are leaving there now. Oh well.


Rooster, you have a remarkable understanding of people and you have empathy and understanding, too.

Maybe it takes someone like you to really do a good job of moderating, and there are not many of those. From my own limited experience, I think quality of moderation is one of the main criteria for a Q/A site that works well, and you do not find skillful moderation very often. 

+4 votes

Another reason could be because warmer weather is here and some are taking advantage of getting much needed sun after being inside during the winter months. I can really get depressed without adequate sun and my cholesterol increases even though I am a puny old lady.

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