+4 votes
in Science & Technology ⚡ by

6 Answers

+6 votes

I think Medical Holography will be a major jolt to the medical society. For us also! 


+4 votes

Interesting, indeed.


Actually, there are many technological findings in various domains which could be very useful.

+5 votes

Dear Dan,

ima take your interesting Q in a different direction, if you would not mind?

...because I think technology is becoming a curve of diminishing returns. Owning all the latest gadgets is not only expensive, but requires huge amounts of time and energy just to maintain them, keep them working.

So I think, anyway i HOPE, that we will spend more efforts getting to understand ourselves; we have developed the technology to destroy the world, now we need to understand the creature whose finger is on that trigger!

* * *

Carl Jung for example put it this way: 

"Space flights are merely an escape, a fleeing away from oneself, because it is easier to go to Mars or to the moon than it is to penetrate one's own being."

+5 votes

I'm betting these are going to save some lives in the future! 

+3 votes

Didn't we cover one aspect of this topic in a previous thread?  :angel: :D


0 votes

Could you imagine back 20 years ago that we would have cell phones like we have today. The answer is no I cant imagine the technology of the future, not accurately.

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