+3 votes
in Food & Drink by

Here in the prairies of Western Washington, the thimbleberries are starting to ripen! The Native Americans harvested them for food and dried them for winter, but growing up here I mainly just ate them from the bush while hiking - as I do now, when going for walks. 

The colour of the ripe berry is striking, very intense; and they do look a bit like thimbles...Rubus parviflorus; they are native to much of western North America, and I like to see them...


3 Answers

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Marianne, the taraxacum...yes I have tried that as a vegetable green, also made wine once from the flowers!

...and I forgot about the mushrooms, we see lots of those also in our damp forests.


Wow, you did more than I did; we used the young leaves for salads and, sometimes, cooked, like spinach.

And, for the mushrooms, we had to be very cautious, as children, and to collect (under the guidance of experienced adults) only those, which could not be confused with non-edible or poisonous species. Our favourites were morels, chanterelles, or Boletus (namely B. edulis) ...


Marianne, that is amazing, those are the same edible mushrooms found in our forests here in Western Washington State!


Lol, Virginia, various species of plants and animals, species, and subspecies are found, more or less worldwide, like, for instance, in the whole northern hemisphere.



Yes, seems so Marianne, smh! I wonder if that hearkens back to Pangeia, when all the continents were joined...



Marianne, what a story the Earth can tell...and we are learning to listen !!!

Here this was on one of your links... "The adjective "Gondwanan" is in common use in biogeography when referring to patterns of distribution of living organisms, typically when the organisms are restricted to two or more of the now-discontinuous regions that were once part of Gondwana, including the Antarctic flora. For example, the plant family Proteaceae, known only from southern South America, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand, is considered to have a "Gondwanan distribution". This pattern is often considered to indicate an archaic, or relict, lineage."

Now I am going to click on 'Antarctic flora'...have NO idea what they could be talking about there...


Lol - excellent, Virginia - yes, you will be surprised about the arctic flora and fauna.


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+3 votes

About the only ones I can think of around here is wild raspberries and wild mint. Everything else is in someones yard or property!



Rooster, yes I know both of those, and like them very much!

+3 votes

Yes, wild raspberries here too.  They taste much better than the cultivated ones.

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