+4 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by
A young man goes into the Job Centre in Sydney, and sees an ad for a Gynaecologist's Assistant.

Interested, he goes to learn more.
"Can you give me some more details on this job?" he asks the clerk.

The clerk pulls up the file and says, "The job entails getting the women ready for the gynaecological consult. You have to help them out of their underwear, lay them down, and carefully wash their private regions, then apply shaving foam and gently shave off the hair, then rub in soothing oils so that they're ready for the examination.

There's an annual salary of $75,000, but you're going to have to go to Perth - other side of the country."

The man says "Oh is that where the job is?"

The clerk says "No sir. That's where the end of the line is right now."



3 Answers

+3 votes

Ha! :D :D :D Nice early Monday morning laugh! :D


Lol - thank you, Rooster. :D:D:D

+3 votes


What is the difference between a genealogist and a gynaecologist?
A genealogist looks up your family tree... A gynaecologist looks up your family bush!




Lol - a good one, Katherine: :D:D:D!

+2 votes


Lol - T(h)ink - :D:D:D !



Tink went for a medical call

At the O-b-g-Y-n last fall,

But from the beginning,

Doc couldn't stop grinning;

She never had seen one so small.


Lol - wow! :O:blush::angel::D:D

I hear or feel something hidden behind the current obstetrician's and gyn(a)ecologist's acronym.

Some examples, according to the Urban dictionary:


Oh, babies - Gee - why not !?

Obsessed - (with) - Getting you naked !

Original baby - Grabbing your necklace (or nipples)

(my own continuation after "Ob", as the "underground" definition for "Gyn" looks too offensive) 

Citing again:


The O'Bgyn legend describes a wild creature with Queens, New York affected speech roaming the town of Newport, Rhode Island on Saint Patrick's day. Accounts have portrayed the creature as hilarious with a penchant for tequila and Thunderdome. It is theorized that the true O'Bgyn creature is of Colombian origin and undergoes a mutation at the cellular level every March 17th which manifest foul Irish traits for a duration of 24 hours.

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