+3 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

Two Scotsmen, Angus and Douglas, have been lifelong friends, but now Angus has been taken gravely ill, and is lying on his deathbed. His friend Douglas comes to visit.

"Och, Douglas, I'm a-feared I'm not lang fer this world," says Angus.

"Is there anythin' I can do fer ye?" asks Douglas.

"Weel, now that ye mention it, there is. I've been savin' a bottle of very rare, auld Scotch whisky fer a suitable occasion fer nigh unto fifty years, and I think me burial will be that occasion, so when they've covered me over with earth, Douglas, would ye be so kind, fer the sake of auld lang syne, to take that bottle o' whisky and pour it out o'er me grave?"

"Och, of course, Angus, 'tis but a wee request; I'd be honored to fulfill it," responds Douglas.

"Thank you, Douglas," says Angus, "I knew I could count on ye."

There follows a long silence, finally broken by Douglas.



"About that bottle of whisky..."

"Aye, Douglas, what about it?"

"Weel, afore I pour it out o'er your grave, would ye mind terribly if'n I drank it first?"

3 Answers

+3 votes

Lol - a good one, T(h)ink!


+3 votes

I would expect no less! :D :D :D :D

+2 votes

This is just a wonderful joke, so Scotch-Thrifty, too! I just KNOW that Angus did agree, with much laughter...


Lol - among friends, they should have shared at least a drink of this precious bottle.


@ Virginia and Marianne,

Indeed.  :D


Well, all I can say is that Virginia, Marianne and O'Think all have their priorities on straight...and while we may not be conveniently endowed as Douglas, I'm SURE we can still find a way to arrange for that fine scotch to ultimately be "poured" onto the grave of Angus...


@ Virginia,

Where there's a will, there's a way... :D



O'tink now I am sure I have seen EVERYTHING...the ultimate feminine convenience, men already have THEIR built-in handy things they take along on picnics and such...now we can buy a reasonable facsimile for only 99¢!


Lol, T(h)ink and Virginia - oops - but there's not only liquid "waste" ...

And, just in case, there might be ecological considerations too - if in very "rural" places:



@ Marianne,

Yes, it's always best to be prepared for all eventualities.  :D


Lol, T(h)ink - one never knows indeed ...


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