+3 votes
in Websites by

I found url shorfeners where I created my profiles. I share urls and create url bundles. When I share video urls, url shorteners create special pagesvfor videos. Urls, profiles and bundles can be private and public. Url shorteners do not ask for personal information.


5 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

Thank you for the link, Kninjanin; it might be quite useful.

+4 votes

I haven't used or tried them.

+3 votes

I don't need to use them much but when I do? I just use Google URL Shortener. Quick easy and fast.

Google URL Shortener

+2 votes

On url shorteners, I have no contact with other users. It helps to protect from scams and trolls. I do not see the shortened urls from other users and they do not see my urls. The same thing is on many file hosting and file mirroring websites.

+1 vote

Hi Kninjanin,

This is the URL shortener I have used, it seems to be from Google? Thank you for the link to the list, I will hold onto it.



It is indeed, Virginia; these links look really useful.

Good to see you back!


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