+3 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by


3 Answers

+3 votes

Puberty is a critical period of fast and drastic transformations of body and mind, and also an intensive phase of learning to act like an adult, but skills and knowledge alone cannot replace experience and wisdom:


May I add some medical info? https://www.empoweringparents.com/blog/why-your-teen-thinks-they-know-everything/

About how teens seem to be reasoning (some examples):

What do you call a friendly school?

Hi School ! 

Why were the teacher's eyes crossed?

She couldn't control her pupils!

Teachers always tell us to follow our dreams....

BUT yet they don't let us sleep in class.

What is the Great Depression?

When you get a bad grade in history.

If the pilgrims came on the Mayflower than what does the teacher come on?

The scholar ships.

Teacher: Why were you late? Student: Sorry, teacher, I overslept.

Teacher: You mean you need to sleep at home too!

Link: http://www.jokes4us.com/peoplejokes/teachersjokes/index.html


Teens with raging hormones seem more concerned with developing um... skills... other than their mental ones. :D


Lol - that is quite logical, T(h)ink - mentally, they are still kids - :O:angel::D.

+3 votes

After raising three kids and listening to Hitman talk about teaching his teen daughter to drive? Nothing surprises me any more. I'm glad my kids are all grown up and just chuckle when he calls about them! :D



@ Rooster,

It must be great for a grandparent to see teenage karma catching up with his kids.  :devil: :D


@ Tink: You bet it is!!!!  :D


:D :D :D

+1 vote

O'Tink, my only effort toward raising children was a few years spent with my god daughter...however, she was considered "troubled" but I never saw any of that!


Virginia, I'm sure no one could be troubled when in your care. :) <3

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