+3 votes
in Celebrities by

Somebody is uploading old Columbo movies onto YouTube, where I loved Robert Culp as a villain! Well, Jack Cassidy also played Columbo villains beautifully, and who could not but love Lee van Cleef in THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY? Not to leave out those of distaff persuasion, Glenn Close in FATAL ATTRACTION and the unforgettable Louise Fletcher as Nurse Ratched in ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST?

Whom might you add to such a dark list of fine talent? <3

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3 Answers

+3 votes



Oh Rooster, yes! Eli Wallach THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN a wonderful movie; a magnificent character actor, such a special place in my villainous heart <3... I went to Google, and learned he died just a couple of years back, age 98! 

Also Anthony Perkins, in PSYCHO 1960 Alfred Hitchcock classic...but I don't recognize your third one?


@ Virginia : Last one is Alan Rickman and the second is Dennis Hopper. Alan Rickman was always a villain!



Aha! Got it Rooster.

+2 votes

I always thought Kevin Spacey played terrific villains.


Then he turned out to be one. Oh, well..


Oh the adventures of Mel Profitt ...appropriate choice HegeMarie, on multi-levels...


Have not watched that one yet, but House of Cards, Se7en, and The Usual Suspects are all favourites :D


Hmmm...I have not seen those, but the titles are certainly intriguing, The Usual Suspects suggesting shades of CASABLANCA?


I wouldn't compare it with Casablanca, exactly.. I'll just toss in the trailers, so you can see for yourself :)

Highly recommended


HegeMarie, I enjoyed both of the trailers, very intense! I pulled out a couple of quotes from The Usual Suspects... :D  ;)

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

"I don't believe in God, but I am afraid of him."


I love when great actors get brilliant scripts to work on :D Glad you liked it!

I should add that I also love both Lee van Cleef and Eli Wallach as bad guys.


Ha ha, I am finding YouTube such a great resource...you can see these old movies with great character actors like it was just yesterday! They have THE USUAL SUSPECTS, but you have to pay $2.99 or something...I may check at our local library...:D being a bit stingy these days!


I agree on youTube. It's a gold mine :D If you do pick it up, please share your verdict!

+3 votes

As a fan of film noir, I always liked Peter Lorre and Sydney Greenstreet.  :)


THOSE two REALLY understood the meaning of 'villain'...:D

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