I think neutral is a wee bit of a stretch when describing Sweden during WWII. When Germany invaded USSR, Sweden allowed them to use it's railways to transport everything from howitzers and tanks, to anti-aircraft weapons and associated ammunition from Norway to Finland. Several hundred Swedish soldiers volunteered to fight on the German side during the war. Some worked as guards at Treblinka, the concentration camp. In the not too recent past it also came to light that Sweden also enjoyed the profits of doing business with the Nazis. It is emerged that some of the gold handled by its central bank, the Riksbank, had been looted from Jews by the German Nazis. Hard to come to terms with that, especially when such magnificent Swede's such as Raoul Wallenberg who, as a Swedish diplomat granted refugee status to some 20,000 Hungarian Jews by issuing them with Swedish passport.
There are many people who dislike the current American administration, especially former well regarded Marine Corps General turned Secretary of Defense James Mattis. He pulled no punches when he scolded much of Europe for not living up to it's agreement to maintain it's defense numbers and strength as a NATO member. Many of these nations as it will be seen have done little to dedicate a percentage of it's GDP as they were supposed to, dedicating it instead to social programs. By comparison the U.S. spends in excess of 600 Billion on it's defense.
I know.....spending money on social programs makes you appear very inviting, and bright and shiny...a sort of moderate utopia and, you can do that, but it will often come back to bite you in a very severe way and Sweden learned that just a short while ago when an undetected submarine or submarines, entered it's sovereign oceans and came quite near it's shores. They couldn't detect it because they were not equipped and so.....if there is a lesson here it is two fold. The first is to bring your nation up to speed. You had better start modernizing and improving your defense capabilities. Secondly and just as importantly, as a Veteran, I find many prevailing attitudes in Europe to be smug and elitist. They thumb their noses at the U.S. calling us warmongers and worse, but if/when that Russian bear ever decides to cross the border of some European country in the future, (and history constantly shows us that man is bent to that end), they are going to be hauling their ass-ets, for the cover of the American umbrella for protection.
So, ultimately.....a little wake up call Europe. You had better get off your hands.