+2 votes
in Football (Soccer) ⚽ by
Americans seem to like American Football so much. The Rugby looks so similar to American Football. If you love watching American Football then what you feel about Rugby?

Is American Football played only in the U.S? Ruby seems to be played in more countries. Sri Lanka seems to have a good Ruby team and the only sport they outperform India. Indian, Pakistan, Bangladesh teams are worst when compared to them. But I'm not sure how good is Sri Lanka when compared to top Ruby teams.

3 Answers

+1 vote

I heard they are the same

+1 vote

Dan, I do not know the answer.

0 votes

They look a lot alike but Rugby looks even rougher than American Football and they don't wear all the protective gear! Wish they showed more of it here but alas, I rarely see any of it on.


American football started because someone decided because someone decided they could improve rugby by straightening out the scrum and allowing one forward pass in each movement.American football is just an evolved form of rugby.Packers for the Super Bowl 

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