+2 votes
in Politics & Government ✌ by

What would you do if you lived in a place where you had to be afraid to exercise your constitutional rights?

For example in the town of Bethlehem New York population of 30,000 it is illegal to say Merry Christmas or even Happy Holidays   No Christmas in Bethlehem this year

Or no Halloween unless its “POLITICALLY CORRECT”  Halloween for the politically correct only

Or how about the ladies that love shopping  Proposed bans on Thanksgiving Day shopping Sorry but you do NOT tell a woman she can’ shop especially BLACK FRIDAY.

Or that brand new home you bought with a fireplace or that fire pit that you paid mega bucks for. Well in California in the bay area it is like that. Bay Area bureaucrats ban fireplaces, wood stoves

And what about those Styrofoam cups you get at McDonalds. Well those paper cups should make the ECO-freaks happy. New York City’s ban on Styrofoam hurts businesses, consumers

Or what if you're in New York WITH children. I’m sorry but there's not a kid on the face of the USA that does not like Pepsi or Coca-Cola well if the politicians have their own way…well you read the article. New York’s soda ban could be back, but for kids only

And heaven forbid you should call a place for “take-out” I wonder how they are going to do that in Minneapolis? Minneapolis wants to ban take-out trays

City council will vote on an ordinance banning sitting, lying, reclining and kneeling on public streets, sidewalks, trails and “objects in the right of way”. What is next banning people that love to sit in a public park. Though I have one tiny question. You know how kids walk around with shoe laces untied. Mom has to kneel to tie them or the kid will trip. So much for child safety. Colorado Springs may ban sitting in public places

Now the Democrats on the County Council Montgomery County, Maryland, are pushing to ban chemicals containing lawn treatments include known carcinogens. Just think No Scott’s Miracle Grow and Monsanto’s Round-Up for you. Weeds will prevail in Maryland lawn care ban

Oh, Trust me there are more.

3 Answers

+2 votes

Far worse are the sanctuary cities that cost innocent people their lives, like Kate Steinle

And of course Obama said NOTHING.


That one is a very easy one to solve.
You see Kate was not the right colour nor did she speak the right language and she was the wrong religion.
I said that to a group of guys that I have known for well over 70 years. Some are Republicans some are Democrats and some are Libertarians. Believe it or not NONE of them called me a racist and six of them are Afro-Americans.
+1 vote
Just pleased I live in England....no one will stop me saying merry Christmas...
AH a man after my own heart.
I was raised by a woman from Warrington and she taught me the values of a REAL CHRISTmas not the phoney ones we have here.
Sadly my children and their children are playing the role of an "American Christmas".
I spent two Christmas's in the UK and not a Christmzas has gone by that I don't wish I could be back there with my family celebrating CHRISTmas the English way, but alas $$$$$ prevents me from doing just that. I know Christmas and Boxing day are over but it is never to last to say MERRY CHRISTMAS.
Merry Christmas ...
0 votes
no mad scientist for Halloween at that one college??? LOL! that's crazy! whoops! i'm marginalizing insanity!
Yea, pray tell how in the hell can you make Halloween POLITICALLY CORRECT?

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