+5 votes
in Society & Culture by

4 Answers

+5 votes

They are Indo-European languages. They have the same origine. I watched this video.

+4 votes

Try to get some time to watch these videos as I have no knowledge of this.

+3 votes

Oh yes I do Dan. I have never studied the correlation in depth, I just take delight...the travels humankind undertook, from ancient times taking their language with them.

Even the word 'man'...Sanskrit has a root word for 'hand,' manu...celebrating this fancy hand humankind has with the opposing thumb and all.

The word 'yoga,' from India, same root as 'yoke' in the English language.

Likewise the yuktatriveni, a word for a mystical phenomenon in the human spiritual journey where three come together as one, I learned this word from Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952); yukta = yoke, tri = three, and veni, like the Latin word for come...so, three come to be joined.

Here is a Navajo sand painting which is a diagram of the spiritual journey, the yuktatriveni being represented by the three-part root of the cornstalk.


0 votes

Yes, I was aware of this.

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