+4 votes
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6 Answers

+5 votes

Listen to my girls argue! Almost every evening! 

Need a vacation. Maybe I'll go visit the old man or something.


When my sister and I would fight, my Dad would say, "I don't care WHO started it, I want it stopped, NOW." :D

+5 votes

Watch TV. It's mostly boring anyways but I won't watch it when I'm tired as I'll just fall asleep in an uncomfortable position.

+5 votes

Go grocery shopping. ;)

+5 votes

Um... I can't say, on a family-oriented website. :blush: :) :D

+4 votes

Hi Sirfurryanimal,

Well now that I am retired, I like to experiment with cooking unusual, exotic stuff, coming up with delicious things - especially baking. I mean, do you really want life to go by without sampling the delights of chocolate chip cookies made with teff flour, banana and peanut butter? No sugar either, the whole batch sweetened only with 1 1/2 tablespoon of maple syrup!image


Oh, and then the cottage cheese biscuits...lots of cottage cheese + a bit of oat flour, quinoa flour, teff flour (I like teff, it's a tiny grain from Africa!). Then you incorporate another banana + one shredded apple...plus more peanut butter...

Well, I could go on but sometimes I get, well if not tired then maybe just a bit dreamy, or involved in my studies, and these fancy delights become too much to take on, to interrupt my contemplations. So this morning for example, I did not bake my whole wheat/oat flour loaf, I just made 3-minute teff bread, fried...kinda like a big puffy pancake...but oh it was good!

*  *  *

Anyway, just in case you are more ambitious than I am this morning, I am leaving you the recipe link for those cookies in the photo... https://reclaimingyesterday.com/high-protein-teff-breakfast-cookies/#zlrecipe-container

...and this is the kind of project I may postpone if tired (or dreamy). ;)

+1 vote

Probably tune in to insipid U.S. reality or cop shows-----hate them.

At the end of my day, I like to ease in to my hot tub, then grab something to eat, and find something interesting to watch, say on Masterpiece Theatre, or a movie on Netflix, or Prime.

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