+4 votes
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5 Answers

+5 votes

Probably when the old man took me and my brother to a 49ers game. We had a great time and being there live was great!

+4 votes

When we went to the first Disneyland in L.A. We were in awe of all the things there. Then we rode the "Matterhorn"! What a thrill that was as it had just opened.

+3 votes

Family vacations with my grandpa.  He gave us amazing experiences at Yellowstone, Yosemite, The Redwood Forest, and many more.  I still miss him all these decades later. <3

+3 votes

Family get-togethers at Christmas, to exchange gifts.

+2 votes

In raincoast Washington State, there is a tree called wild cherry, and it produces beautiful clear sap that hardens into jewels. I remember cutting beautiful colored crepe paper into strips, and stretching the edges into ruffles. Then you stick the wild cherry jewels onto the crepe paper, and you have make-believe crown jewelry when you re-enact the fairy tales!

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