+4 votes
in Home & Garden by

4 Answers

+4 votes

I sometimes grow tomatoes on my balcony, but I was too lazy this year. ;)

+4 votes

Yes I do. I already have a good spot roto tilled and ready to go! Plus my inside garden.



Hey, cool!

This way you can smoke your salad, and not have any dishes to clean, except maybe an ash tray. :D

+4 votes

We've done tomatoes, but most other home-grown vegetables were rather puny. :(

+3 votes

Dan I have no plants on my balcony, but am thinking about it for this year. Two of my neighbors have wonderful container gardens, so I just come out onto my deck and watch their beautiful plants grow.

In Iowa, my friend there is starting a project to grow food in every nick and cranny of public land in Des Moines! So all the stop signs might have nuts, fruit, and tomatoes growing around them, food for everybody, I hope so.

The whole world is so concerned for India now, and all the countries...may things go as well as they possibly can, health and food for everyone, for the whole globe in these next difficult 18 months waiting for the vaccine. <3

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