+4 votes
in Music by

2 Answers

+5 votes

This robotic chanter needs more work yet... :ermm:


Tink I enjoyed that no end...at first I thought he must be under coronavirus lockdown with time on his hands and lots of creativity, but the little kids are NOT social distancing so... :)

+3 votes

I already posted about this fellow last February, he is a pianist, and he is in Istanbul. He has a soft heart and picks up injured stray cats from the streets, takes them to the vet and brings them back to health. This video is a kitty with three legs, named Melahat:

This kitty is Fevzi, all his cats seem to love him very much, almost as if they understood how much he has helped them:

Here are some before and after photos of his kitties, I think he has 12 or maybe 19 of them now:


wow... just wow. :'(

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