+4 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

Make the same sound as Spike...:D

Post a favourite comedy song.

3 Answers

+2 votes

SFA, she's a Valkyrie! So talented...and as I happens, just this morning I found something on YouTube and saved it for you to come up with a relevant question...did YOUR HIT PARADE of the 1950's USA ever make it over to Wales, there? Because Jack Benny's duet partner here is Gisele MacKenzie, who was (most) famous as one of the singers on that TV show...another one I remember is Snooky Lansen (sp?) and would likely recall others if I heard their names!

Okay, get ready for a treat, here is Jack Benny and Gisele MacKenzie playing a violin duet of "Getting To Know You":

(Oops, looks like you cannot play this from SOLVED, but you can click on the link they give you and I got it to play from YouTube!)


:D....loved it.

+5 votes



Oh Jan I had never heard this...laughed and laughed, it's delightful!


So glad it gave you a chuckle! :D

+5 votes




Love it!  I have it on cd in my WWII music collection.  :)

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