+2 votes
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Holodomor is marked in Ukraine on November 28thimage

Gareth Jones (1905-1934), the young Welsh investigative journalist, is revered in Ukraine as a national hero and is now rightly recognised as the first reporter to reveal the horror of the Holodomor, the Soviet Government-induced famine of the early 1930s, which killed millions of Ukrainians. Determined to alert the world to this suffering, and to expose Stalin's policies and prejudices towards the Ukrainian people, Jones published numerous articles in the UK and the USA (New York Evening News and Chicago Daily News). But soon he saw his credibility and integrity attacked by Soviet sympathizers, most famously by Moscow-based Walter Duranty of the New York Times. The following year, Gareth Jones was killed by bandits while travelling in Japanese-controlled China. There remain strong suspicions that Jones' murder was arranged by the Soviets. ***

Gareth Richard Vaughan Jones
Hero of Ukraine
(1905 -1935)
A Man Who Knew Too Much...
"That part of the world is a cauldron of conflicting intrigue and one or other interests concerned probably knew that Mr Gareth Jones knew too much of what was going on... He had a passion for finding out what was happening in foreign lands wherever there was trouble, and in pursuit of his investigations he shrank from no risk... I had always been afraid that he would take one risk too many. Nothing escaped his observation, and he allowed no obstacle to turn from his course when he thought that there was some fact, which he could obtain. He had the almost unfailing knack of getting at things that mattered."
London Evening Standard, quoting former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, 26th August 1935.



3 Answers

+2 votes

Click’watch on you tube ‘to see this.

+2 votes

Contrast the hero Gareth Jones to that corrupt swine, Walter Duranty (Moscow bureau chief of the NY Times), who sent back glowing reports from the Soviet Union, covering up the famine, and generally being a bootlicking apologist for Stalin. He even got a Pulitzer, which to this day  has not been revoked.



Yeah....Some things never change!:(


Yes, especially at the New York Times, "the paper of record"... so called. 


Tink, have you noticed if FOX News covered the 2-day strike in India, Nov 25 & 26? 

MSM has largely avoided coverage, but 250 million people took part. Largely to support agriculture, where 200,000 farmers are reported to commit suicide over the last 12 years.

Amazingly, the strikers were reported to be peaceful, even in the face of police violence. 

I learned from alternative media and one source in India itself. Maybe FOX covered it?


If they did, I missed it. I did see something about it on the BBC.

Hmm... very few people wearing masks or practicing social distancing.


...and I saw a couple of days ago, India is second only to the USA in pandemic devastation. Glad to see the BBC covered it, they are definitely part of msm?


Yes, they are, but maybe they feel they have to cover news from the former empire.


Interesting observation and appreciated, Tink. :)

+2 votes

Another hero I am glad to learn about, SFA...he was only 29 or 30, then.

Is Gareth a common name in Wales? It does sound Welsh -- I only knew it from Sir Gareth of the Round Table.


Very common name in Wales.

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