+2 votes
in Arts & Humanities by

8 Answers

+2 votes
It would be all the classtrips/journeys I went on with my classmates. And the school enviroment and getting more things to do.
+4 votes
Graduation!!! Then on to college.
+3 votes
All the funny moments I shared with my classmates.
+3 votes
That would be Miss Pretty. Well, Miss Lawson, actually. She was my teacher when I was 7 years old. Hmm, that was in 1943 and I've never forgotten her. She must have made an impact. I think she was my first love affair.
+2 votes
Joining the school scout troop and the weekends away and the summer camps.......
+2 votes
Proving my teachers wrong and getting into university.
+1 vote

Experiencing snow days when I heard that glorious announcement on the radio that school was closed.

+1 vote

Going by McDonald's an hour and a half before school started, getting breakfast for me and coffee for my homeroom teacher. Going to school, breaking into my home room, turning on the lights and putting my teacher's coffee on his desk, then doing my homework. He'd come in, say, "Morning" then we'd sit in silence for an hour with him reading the paper and me drawing.

Pretty cool.

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