+1 vote
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d - Atlas Obscura

The Flodden Wall was completed in 1560 to protect the city against an English invasion that never came. After Scottish forces were defeated and King James IV was killed at the Battle of Flodden in 1513.
Wonder if it will be possible to respond to this?

1 Answer

+1 vote

And the Scots never had to use the wall, after piling and mortaring all those stones!  :O


Yeah....all that work for nothing :D


They needed that wall at Culloden rather than at Flodden. :'(

Say... there's a limerick there... :)


The Scots, by the English down-trodden,

Built a wall (with much effort) called Flodden.

But alas for the Scots,

When they LAST traded shots,

They needed that wall at Culloden.




Dan Snow has a few videos....


But I really shouldn't make jokes about tragic episodes in Scottish history. :'(


I’m sure the Scots can handle them...:D

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