+2 votes

3 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

No, haven't bought any loan in my life for me. I don't like taking loans and paying interest. My father had taken loans and has loan in his name (not a student loan). I use my credit cards to buy things and pay for them after 20 to 50 days without any interest. A few of my friends used my credit card to buy things for them in EMI and pay the amount to me every month, I'm a bit uncomfortable with that and I have to avoid it in the future.


1. I think they should choose colleges which have lower fees.

2. If the student loan has 6% interest then they should get a long term loan of 5% or lower interest and pay the student loan which will reduce the burden. They should reduce the expenses like car and pay the loan.


I also avoid loans.

+3 votes

In my day University Education was free here,paid for by a grant from the council.

So no ,i didn’t


I also had free education during four of five years in my bachelor studies at Faculty of Philosophy because of my results. I paid only 1100 dollars on my second year. I needed to pay tests before  inscriptions to bachelor and master studies. I also paid diplomas and master studies only 420 dollars.

+2 votes

No I did not, Kninjanin, because when I began college, I don't think they had even developed the school loan program yet, it was 1962!

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