So much great art, philosophy, literature and everything else comes out of Russia...breaks my heart this excruciating war, where we are now required to diss each here are a couple of examples of Russia's magnificent contribution to the world.
A couple of years ago, I posted here on SOLVED a wonderful American basso who sang with Elvis Presley, whereupon Tink the Polymath promptly introduced me to the Oktavists...I don't know why Russia has so many of these amazing male voices, but they seem here is Vladimir Pavlovich Pasyukov, a basso profondo born in St. Petersburg (July 29, 1944 – June 20, 2011).
Oh and btw, an oktavist is someone who sings an octave below the usual bass range! Some people say a basso profondo is the same thing as an oktavist, and some say the oktavists have a still lower range than the basso profondo.
...and then people are still debating who was the greatest ballet danseur of all time, Mikhail Baryshnikov or Rudolph are a couple of Baryshnikov one-minute solos, with commentary from yet another danseur as to why his dancing is so wonderful...
Last if you are up for 3:47 minutes of the Volga Boatmen, here is a marvelous sextet giving us just that, like you have prolly never heard before. The Oktavist is superb, as are they all here, and note the counterpoint of the wonderful soaring tenor of this group...I saw somewhere that Russians are always surprised that the Song of the Volga Boatmen is so well known in America, and outside Russia generally!