+1 vote
in Miscellaneous ♑ by
I found that some people print images and text on coffee mugs and badge and magnet buttons. I would do it.

2 Answers

+2 votes
Best answer
Yep…but get it right.

Ashley Giles, an England cricket and spin bowler, during his benefit year,had a job lot of mugs made which should have read’Ashley Giles-King of Spin’.

They were delivered saying ‘Ashley Giles-King of Spain’.

He probably sold more of them due to that error!
+2 votes
I don't think you could make much money unless you had a large-scale operation, selling your mugs and buttons wholesale to retail shops and stores.
 I saw on YouTube that some people print images on mugs and phone cases. I saw mug, button and phone cases prices and sellers need to sell much to earn some money.
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