+2 votes
in Cricket by

Chris Gayle is a Cricket player who is currently playing for a club in Australia. He was interviewed by a female reporter. He said to the reporter 'Hopefully we win this game and we can have a drink after, don't blush baby.' This has caused controversy in Australia.

But not everyone joined in the condemnation

So do you consider it as a joke or harassment?

Just a joke 4 votes, 100%
Disrespectful or offensive 0 votes

6 Answers

+2 votes

I don't find it to be harassment or a joke.  How would we keep the world populated if men never asked women out?

+2 votes
Just a joke, by

A joke I think.

0 votes
Just a joke, by

If I had been the reporter, I would have said, "That's the spirit, Chris. Keep your pecker up."

0 votes

So what's the outrage over, that he asked her out, or that he called her "baby"?

0 votes

I heard all the hullabaloo long before I saw the interview, which I sought out yesterday. I was astonished that so much fuss had been made about an offhand remark. An experienced journalist -- heck, an experienced adult -- can tell the difference between jokes and harassment and the interviewer was clearly not offended. At least, not until instructed by her editor to make something newsworthy of it. It was a beat-up.

I'm pleased that some of the comments I've posted on Ask, Blurtit and on this site have not found their way onto national TV and *gasp* the big social media sites. If they were taken seriously I'd come across as the stereotypical MCP.

But then, maybe I am. >:-/

0 votes
Just a joke, by

I think the remark was harmless.

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