+2 votes
in Politics & Government ✌ by

Few hours ago, the North Korea has announced that it has successfully tested its first Hydrogen Bomb and do you think it as a security threat to US?


Yes 4 votes, 67%
No 2 votes, 33%
I don't care 0 votes

6 Answers

+2 votes
Yes, by

Yes, but more immediately, it is a threat to South Korea and Japan, both of which countries must be privately wondering if the American Wuss in Chief would do anything if the North Koreans nuked them.

+1 vote
No, by

Not at the moment, but at least a deterrent and it will cause other countries to react...

+3 votes
Yes, by

ANY country with that kind of bomb power, and with a lunatic leader, is a threat to the U.S. and every other country.

+2 votes

It's a threat to world peace, Dan, especially South Korea and Japan. So, yes, it is also a threat to the US.

On a news clip this week there was rioting in Iran following Saudi-Arabia's execution of a Muslim cleric. Among other things they burned an American flag. It seems America is held to blame for everything that happens in the world from Saudi atrocities to the abandoned trekkers on Mount Kinabalu. So, yeah, Kim Jong Un and his gormless  crew will most certainly blame America for their problems and may look at you with anger as they consider where next to test their bomb.

+1 vote
Yes, by

With that but in power yes. 

Japan and South Korea are watching with eyes wide open.

0 votes
No, by

I was alarmed at first but I have recently read where the White House is skeptical about this hydrogen bomb.

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