+3 votes
in Miscellaneous ♑ by

9 Answers

+4 votes

Hard back

+4 votes

I prefer the feel and smell of books

+2 votes

I have adapted myself to eBooks because I can purchase a book and start reading it immediately.  Before I would go to the library and any book on the NY Times Bestseller List would have a long waiting list.

+3 votes

Hardback.  I don't buy anything which a) I can't hold in my hand, B) which can be deleted at whim by the seller (Remember the Kindle 1984 fiasco?  Google it.), and C), which is stored in some abominable gover-business 'cloud' someplace.

+1 vote

Hard back books.

+3 votes

Physical books in general are just more fun to read.

+2 votes

Hard back

I do have some loaded to my pad in case of emergency 

0 votes

My Fella wanted to buy me a Kindle Fire for Xmas so I can read all my favourite Authors but I couldn't make up my Mind.

"hmmmmmm"  I like the feel of a Book in my hand and just don't know if I can get along with these Gadgets.image  

lolz   can't do this with an e book  :P

0 votes

Hardback books

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