+3 votes
in Family & Relationships by

I don't really think I do.

6 Answers

+3 votes

I don't think so. Love is too meaninful to be taken for granted.


Agreed no point in falling for someone only for their looks etc ...



+3 votes

I have mixed feelings about it. I think you can be attracted to someone right away and even get a sense of someone's personality and decide that they are someone you want to know better, but if you're already in love or recognize them as "the one" maybe you're a little desperate and confusing love with something else.

That said, I get caught up in the romance of it and still like the idea.

+2 votes

If it has to do purely with eyesight, I would have to say that is LUST...not love...

How can you love someone without knowing how they think?


0 votes

Not so much , I fall in love with the person on real after I get to know the guy´s personality more for months.

+1 vote

I think it's true.

0 votes

I never used to. I'm too realistic for such a romantic notion.

But it happened to me, so now I know it is indeed very possible.

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