+2 votes
in News & Informations ⌨ by

Like in Chicago and Charlotte .

2 Answers

+2 votes

What does it accomplish?  Lots of things.

1. Scads of money for shakedown artists and hucksters like Al Sharpton.

2. Fifteen minutes of fame for professional street agitators who travel from incident to incident, being breathlessly interviewed by gullible (or complicit) MSM reporters.

3. An excuse for street criminals to burn and loot, secure in the knowledge that they will never be prosecuted.

4. Grief for the shop owners whose places of business have been ransacked or destroyed.

5. Grief for the police officers (and their families) who get killed or injured in dealing with the rioters.

6. An opportunity for politicized Attorneys General to press charges against police, 90% of which get dismissed in court (or 100% in the case of Baltimore).

7. An opportunity for our corrupt political leaders to make long, boring speeches, signifying nothing.


+2 votes

I can only applaud and agree with T(h)ink!



Thank you, Marianne.  :blush::)

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