+2 votes
in Fun & Humor ☻ by

The Good Driver

A guy was driving when a policeman pulled him over. He rolled down his window and said to the officer, "Is there a problem, Officer?"
"No problem at all. I just observed your safe driving and am pleased to award you a $5,000 Safe Driver Award. Congratulations. What do you think you're going to do with the money?"
He thought for a minute and said, "Well, I guess I'll go get that drivers' license."
The lady sitting in the passenger seat said to the policeman, "Oh, don't pay attention to him - he's a smart-ass when he's drunk and stoned."
The guy from the back seat said, "I TOLD you guys we wouldn't get far in a stolen car!"
At that moment, there was a knock from the trunk and a muffled voice said, "Are we over the border yet?"


Link: http://www.adrivers.com/jokeDetails.php?jNo=22&title=Good driving - Funny#.VqjvLo-cEms

1 Answer

+1 vote

That's funny!


Thank you, it seems to be related to an old, hilarious sketch by Fernand Reynaud - sadly enough, there seems to be no English version available.

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