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in Politics & Government ✌ by

4 Answers

+1 vote

It is a very sad fact that racism and xenophoby are deeply rooted in most cultures and races. It is the fear of the "unknown", and it persists in many forms all over the world, all the more when various cultures, ethnic diversity, religious beliefs or superstitions and ancestral mentalities are already the cause of long-lasting, severe local and regional conflicts, along with overpopulation, wide-spread poverty, diseases, pollution, violence, lacking resources and precarity. And other races are too often used as scapegoats.






Sorry, no ethnicity and no system is ideal and the quest for decent living conditions, freedom, peace and equality is still an unrealistic dream for billions of oppressed or rightless people - of any race. If the rights of the local people cannot be respected, there are even less chances for refugees or immigrants trying to escape war, terror and famine.

In Europe:


+1 vote

Racism is everywhere. 

+1 vote

Bad thing about having the U.N. have a probe into these incidents is the fact that the U.N. is worthless and corrupt. Even if they investigate? They won't do anything. Racism will always live on somewhere and somehow. As much as we've fought it here? It still exists.

0 votes

May I add an information about an ethnic group of African origin, inhabiting India and Pakistan since the first half of the 7th century, the Siddi?


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