+2 votes
in Politics & Government ✌ by

1. Capitalism encourages enterprise, choice, innovation, creativity and audacity. But ultimately it seems always to end up with privileged classes who require/need a proletariat to exploit, to plunder.

2. Karl Marx has the evolution of society passing from capitalism (as a "primitive" system) to socialism, then ultimately ending up with communism. But communism, so far, has absolutely impoverished every society to adopt it.

So; is there a way we can keep the wholesome aspects of capitalism, and somehow prevent morphing over into exploitation and plunder?

*** This Q arises out of my own direct experience of the vulnerable elderly population as a perfectly legal target for free enterprise plunder…parasitic is not too strong a word...imo, we must look for ways to do better. Also out of SOLVE discussions of an unhealthy health care system that prioritizes Profits First.

3 Answers

+3 votes

Certainly, untrammeled, profits-first-last-and-everything capitalism is not good, because it does lead to exploitation on many levels. Likewise, pure socialism, where the means of production are run by stodgy, unimaginative, cover-your-a*s bureaucrats is also a disaster, at least for the average person. Who got the dachas and other perks in the Soviet Union?  The Party bigwigs, the Nomenklatura, of course.

I think the best is free-enterprise capitalism with enough government controls to prevent egregious abuses, although this is not always easy, since (as we all know) many politicians can be bought.

I think an informed and well-educated public that takes the issues seriously (i.e., beyond the stupid sound-bites) is essential for this to work well. At the same time, I am afraid that this is precisely where we are sadly lacking. :'(


ty, O'Tink...kinda sad story...


Yes, Virginia, it is sad.

They often show man-in-the-street interviews, where what the interviewees don't know is jaw-dropping. :O

+3 votes

Communism failed on all countries where it was tested and corporates innovate new things to become rich.


@ Dan:

Yes, you are correct.  Even China has abandoned Mao's stupid ideas, given up on the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, and is merely trying to save the Dictatorship by any means it can, including embracing capitalism. :)


Yes truly Dan, I think you have said it in a nutshell!

+1 vote

@ Marianne:

I think every system tends to form a corrupt elite that becomes too entrenched for the overall good.

A genuine republic, in which free elections are possible, is the best (if imperfect) insurance that the rascals will eventually be thrown out.


Marianne, I found this quote in an article about the Macron victory from THE GUARDIAN:

"(Macron) will take over a country under a state of emergency, still facing a major terrorism threat and struggling with a stagnant economy after decades of mass unemployment."



O'Tink, I appreciate your comment and wish there were a way to give stars on comments.


Thank you, Virginia. :blush: :)



Sadly enough, it is; wealth and power are addictive - and even former idealists are prone to megalomania.




And there is already a strategy to crush and split the big parties, but in opposition to the news in France, there's very little information in the English speaking press:



@ Marianne,

"Power corrupts.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely."  :(


Marianne, I was unable to open your links...I think my browser is too old for the second one, and the first one tries to open but not enough RAM, or something, on my old laptop. 

THE GUARDIAN and THE TELEGRAPH, those are news sources that typically would take care to make their pages accessible to old computers...not sure what is going on, actually...



They are, indeed, slow to open.

You can also try to paste the links or url into your google, yahoo or other search programme and then choose among the proposed links.




Well said!



Marianne, that is an idea...the pasting into a search engine. 



Lol - that is the D system strategy. :O:angel::):D

Actually, I am (still) tinkering around a lot - with certain precautions, of course.




Stars, a thumbs up, a compliment, a hug (or a sweet little fairy) - an excellent idea!


Marianne I am glad to learn of System D, I had not known that term!


Lol - we had to do very often with little means and too many superiors. 

We listened to some citations from our neighbours, namely: "We don't have oil, but we have ideas" (we heard that rather often with the radio news at Giscard's time); after all, we have far less natural resources and much less space than our biggest neighbours, i.e, France, Germany, Italy (even Austria has a larger surface, while the small Principality of Liechtenstein - though member of the European Union, is still linked with our currency, our customs union and other useful infrastructures).

Also Giscard, who was a very popular president (he is now 91, the oldest former president and still active), was also involved in scandals, for instance:



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